Friday, June 25, 2010

Down time Chronicals V2

BOOKS: I have gotten through 3 books! That's a lot for me since I only read at night in bed when all I want to do is sleep. I have to force myself to stay awake long enough for a chapter. The life of a busy working gal doesn't allow for pleasure reads.

Half the Sky: Thank goodness for my road trip to San Diego last week or I would have never finished Half the Sky. Though, I'm certain my car mates would have much preferred I not read them excerpts aloud. I couldn't help it! That book shook my core. I feel the need to get involved and I can't help but think, "why was I not privy to this in college"?? It's a great read if you can get through it, very enlightening. It's kind of like making it through "A Child Called It", you're glad you read it but you are highly disturbed to know the truth. Better than being in the dark I say.

Columbine: I've been having nightmares since April to say the least. That was also a great read just to get the background on the whole story. I was under the same misconceptions as most people at the time. I didn’t fully know the story of what actually happened so it was interesting to read. The book jumps back and forth a lot but it portrays the chaos of the event and emulates the slow seep of information that eventually came to light. The switch up also motivated me to keep reading because I wanted to get through the next chapter to find out where one path ended! I also thoroughly learned the term sociopath…I can say that I have met some in my life and didn’t realize it until now!

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Yes, still making my way through these. It was fun to read and then watch the movie and understand why certain things happen. I was an uber dork and watched the final scene of the movie where Dumbledore gives his speech about Cedric Diggory and read along in my book. There’s so much background information that you would miss had you just watched the movies so I’m glad to be taking the time now! Onto the 5th…

MUSIC: I was able to raid Lis’ and Buckley’s iTunes while out West. I got really into A.A. Bondy immediately. I was lamenting to a friend about his greatness when she informed me he was playing at TATS that week! I requested a song utilizing the drunk chick up front who kept badgering the drummer to relay my message. Auguste denied it! Thinking it was because I had used the heckler, I made my way to the back of the stage following the gig to give my congrats. I called him over and he just looked irritable and not very friendly. I jokingly told him I was a bit disappointed that he did not play my two favorite songs; he told me they were both in retirement. (?? Sir you have 2 albums…you cannot afford to put songs in retirement already!!). He wasn’t the most friendly musician I’ve met, but maybe he was hot and tired as I was.

I received my business cards in the mail yesterday! I’ll have them handy for the press party at Merge next Thursday. I have a 2 minute spot to play something that represents what I’ll be doing during the infringement festival. I’m kinda nervous and unsure of what the hell to play. Hopefully I make some fans!

T.V. I got the second season of True Blood. The rumors were true, way better than the first…though I’m starting not to like Bill. I want to give into the temptation and have Sookie hook up with hottie Eric! There’s just something about him. This season definitely revved up the sex scenes (geez). Secretly I am thankful , due to my lack thereof. I haven’t really been watchin’ anything else! I purchased a Jim Gaffigan DVD on iTunes. I saw a special of his when I was in Utah and was laughing so hard I was crying. I never knew about him until now! So good.

PLAYS: Shakespeare in the park starts tonight so I’ll be heading that way. My wonderful friend Natalie is in it so I’m excited to see her as well as this phenomenal actor that I saw in the play The Goat last month. Holy hell, talk about a riveting play! The content was hard to stomach, but the performances were eerily convincing! And, I too, at the end felt like it was ok to love a goat….if that’s what you’re into. *shudders*

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