Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Earlier I posted about running the Boiler Maker aka, the run from hell. I know I'm a child, it was a 5k, but having not trained nor being cautious the night before of what I ingested, it was a hellish experience.

The Boiler Maker is also really nice about sending me emails telling me to buy disgusting photos of myself running. I hate them.

So, in response, I've decided to snippet some shots that I wouldn't dare pay for because they just want to make me vom all over again. Shall we?

My feet are barely leaving the ground here...I'm a great runner.

At this point I seem to be putting in a little effort....I must have been on a down slope. Can a girl get some pigment please??!!!

This is my finish line photo. Immediately after, I dove to the left, passed that guy in the red shirt, and started vomiting on the ground. You can see in my face how I've accepted my fate.

1 comment:

  1. i'm surprised that child's legs haven't already snapped in half.
